My son, born deaf and receiving cochlear implants at ages 1 and 3, has faced many challenges. Regular Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings highlighted his struggles, often leaving me driving home in tears. However, a significant turning point came in first grade when he reached the 50th percentile in standardized tests—I'd never been so thrilled to be average.
Facing a summer without school or therapy, I feared would undo his progress. Our speech therapist had simple but straightforward advice, "Just read." We immediately started a nightly 30-minute reading routine, and six years later, it is still an anchor to our days. We don't care what he reads; it's often as simple as a comic or graphic novel, but the screens are off, and he's absorbing language and meaning. Once a requirement, he now begs for more time. Seeing his new loot strewn across the kitchen island gave me immense joy for his path. At almost 13, his love for reading has only grown, and his reading comprehension and language acquisition scores are now around the 85th percentile - and he's deaf.
The takeaway here is that we can overcome significant challenges with persistence and the right strategies.
Awesome! 🙌🏼 (I’m a CODA.)🤟🏼